Are you tired of getting those emails that tell you if you do not send this email on to 12 people that you will die or not have any good fortunate?
I dislike getting those emails immensely, because I don’t want to read them for one and secondly if I read them I feel compelled to send them on because if I don’t, who knows I might have doom and gloom in my life forever. I laugh at the ones that proclaim that if you answer in 12 minutes 12 good things will happen to you. I get a kick out of the ones that if you send it to one person this will happen and if you send it on to five this will happen. How ridiculous! I just want to meet the genius who began this nonsense.
These emails are like the old fashion chain letters that I detested back when. I remember getting a chain letter back in grammar school and I had a friend who insisted I write the letter ten times and send it on to ten friends. Even back then, I disliked these kinds of letters and my friend who was very superstitious sent it for me because I was going to be doomed. Of course, what was funny we kept sending the letter to the same ten friends.
So, why is this new kick in emails today? Is it because we are truly superstitious or is it that we want to believe in something so badly? Do we want to take the chance to feel lucky and that maybe we will have good fortune? Have we become this gullible that it would be this easy for something good to happen to us?
I want to know especially since email began why we are led like sheep to feel the need to send these kinds of emails on. Why do we do this so mindlessly as if we are obligated to send these kinds of email to everyone we know?
I would love someone to send me an email to say, Hi, I was thinking about you today and you are wonderful! Send that on to 12 people you want to make smile today! Wouldn’t that be a nice email to receive and if you chose to you may send it on?
I know if you are superstitious, this is nothing to laugh at. I am not a superstitious person nor have I ever been. I just think these kinds of emails are silly and a waste of my time.
I would love to know how many of you get these emails and send them on or do you do what I do and spam them immediately?
I hate the ones that say if you don't pass them along it's because you don't believe in Jesus or God. This is a great topic, by the way!