I have been under the notion when I go to the doctor they will make me well. I have been not feeling that well for about a week. It began with a headache and then congestion and then a dry cough. I know it sounds like a cold but it isn’t. I don’t have any other symptoms at all. I do not usually get sick as a rule. I cannot tell you the last time I have had the flu probably when I was in grammar school.
I finally bit the bullet and went to my doctor.
My doctor is a giant compared to my petite stature. He does not wear the familiar white coat to separate him from the patients. He told me his reasoning was not to scare the patients. He stands about 6’7 and that is scary in itself.
I must admit he does have a great bedside manner. He begins with looking on the computer for all the notes the nurse has taken. This just makes me crazy that he doesn’t ask me what is going on and I can tell him and save him the time of looking up what I just told the nurse. He talks a few minutes about non-consequential stuff. Then he gets right to the matter of my visit. He does check my throat, my ears, and listens to my back.
He asks all those silly questions doctors ask, like is this productive cough? I want to answer that my cough thinks it is productive because it not going anywhere and it is very aggressive and it is annoying. The next silly questions he asks, if I have any aches and pains. I want to just give him a look because don’t you think I would have mentioned that to the nurse and then to him. I felt like I was being interrogated and this was the good cop.
Then he sits down and looks at the computer and starts thrumming on his keyboard, which I am sure he is playing Pac-Man because it is not as if I have a serious disease. If I could get on his computer and with the Web doctors, I could write my own script and diagnosis myself.
He gave me a prescription of three pills that I was hoping were magical. Well, I took the number one pill and today, took the number two pill and should have just thrown them out the window as Jack’s mother did and would have been better off with a beanstalk. They are not magical at all.
I don’t know how I could feel worse since taking the medicine but I do. I know there are side effects to medicine but do I have to experience all of them.
Why do we treat these doctors, as they are Gods instead of the witch doctors they really are?
You need alternative medicine. They will change your diet -- no gluten, no sugar which means you will need to go to speciality stores or actual farms that only deal with natural foods .... NO PRESERVATIVES, NO CHEMICALS and NO SUGAR in our food. OR just simply start by no drinking sodas -- ONLY PLAIN water. NO WHEAT (pastas, bread and so on) Eggs are great, vegetables and meats that are only grass feed. You will feel well and even look great. Sometimes it under our nose but we can not act on it because of our own laziness. NO excuse but our own.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck .
I hope you feel better!